Head of group
Prof. Karel Friess, Ph.D.
b karel.friessvscht.cz
e +420 22044 4029
d A137
Team members
Ondřej Vopička
Dániel Gardenö
Tereza-Markéta Durďáková
Jana Floreková
Josef Schneider
Jonatan Štercl
Saeed Jamali Ashtiani
Marek Lanč
Research topic
The laboratory specializes in studying membrane processes for separating gases, vapors, and liquids. The group has a wide range of experimental equipment for studying permeation, sorption, and pervaporation of compounds in membranes. Furthermore, the equipment for preparing nanoparticles (MOF) and polymer or graphene oxide membranes or composite materials with carbon nanotubes is also available. In addition, the group is also focused on surface modification of membranes and modeling the transport of compounds in membranes.