Head of group
prof. RNDr. Petr Slavíček, Ph.D.
b petr.slavicekvscht.cz
e +420 22044 3687
d A135
Team members
Michal Belina
Jan Poštulka
Jan Polena
Jiří Janoš
Josef Filgas
Tomáš Jíra
Tomáš Ovad
Research topic
Laboratory of Theoretical Photodynamics aims at modeling interactions between photons and molecules. Due to advancement of laser technologies, light can be these days controlled in time, energy, or position with unprecedented precision. Our goal is to understand how we can control the molecules via the light. In our work we investigate a wide range of topics, e.g., biomolecular photostability, atmospheric photodynamical processes following the excitation of the molecules, interaction of molecules with high energy radiation or photoionization and charge-transfer reactions. At the same time, we aim to model molecules beyond the gas phase, investigating finite molecular aggregates or molecules in the condensed phase. Part of our work is also necessarily devoted to the development of new and more efficient techniques of molecular simulations. We develop new methods for simulating electronic spectra, new quantum chemical approaches or novel approaches for modeling solvent.