Program of seminarProgram of the joint seminars of UCT Prague and IOCB held usually on Fridays at 2:30 pm in room B2319 or IOCB club for summer term 2024/25
Rudolf Kvasňovský Succeeded with Poster in Hünfeld
Rudolf Kvasňovský, a third-year student of the bachelor's program Chemistry, won second place in the competition for the best poster at the Hünfeld 2025: Workshop on Computer Simulation and Theory of Macromolecules conference. Congratulations!
R. Kvasňovský is member of Michal Kolář's research group, where he focuses on simulations of the mitochondrial ribosome. Unlike universal ribosomes, which are found in the cytosol or on the endoplasmic reticulum of eukaryotic cells, the mitochondrial ribosome is highly specialized. In human cells, it synthesizes only 13 proteins, whereas universal ribosomes synthesize several tens of thousands of proteins. R. Kvasňovský's poster, titledSimulation Model of the Mitochondrial Ribosome, representsnearly a year of work.
Article in Accounts of Chemical Research
Petr Slavíček and Jiří Janoš together with Basile Curchod from Bristol University discuss the limits of trajectory-based approaches for photochemical simulations:
DefenceOn Dec 02, 2024, Martin Klíma defended PhD thesis “Nucleation during supersonic expansion to vacuum”. Congratulations!
Daniel Bím received a prestigious GAČR Junior Star grant
The funded project focuses on developing advanced nickel catalysts for efficient use in redox and photochemical reactions as an environmentally friendly alternative to methods that rely on precious and toxic metals.
DefenceOn Sep 17, 2024, Jiří Janek defended PhD thesis “Time-reversible predictors in molecular dynamics”
The Laboratory of Computational Thermodynamics, in collaboration with Technische Universität Berlin, presents in a new study published in Molecular Pharmaceutics the capabilities of the quantum mechanics-aided COSMO-SAC model to predict the compatibility of drugs and polymers. This is a key aspect in the design of drug formulations based on amorphous solid dispersions. The related computational tool COSMOPharm is freely available on GitHub. The study was supported by the Czech Science Foundation (project 22-07164S).
DefenceOn June 25, 2024, Tereza-Markéta Durďáková from the Laboratory of membrane separation processes has successfully defended her Ph.D. thesis